Having a child has made me realize how much life has changed. Especially Music for Kids. Kids today will never understand the struggles of making mix tapes and doing to the record store. Thank you to KIDZ BOP for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I just returned from an amazing trip to Beaches Turks and Caicos for the Beaches Moms conference. During the conference one of the presenters discussed the generational difference from Generation Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. It made me think about how different my childhood is compared to B's.
I will never forget the look on her face when I told her that we did not have cell phones when I was a kid. I tried to explain to her about beepers and our secret codes, but I don't think she totally understood what it was. I also tried to explain to her that you had to watch TV live with commercials and all. Kids today will just never understand our struggles.
It is fun to see all the 80's fashion being trendy again. Walking into the mall now can feel like a time warp.
Music for Kids: Then and Now 
Do you remember making mix tapes by recording songs off the radio!!! I remember trying to time it so that I did not get the end of the last song and have it start recording just at the start of the song.
As I got older we used to go to the music store and they had listening stations so you could listen to the CD before you bought it. That music store is now a fast food restaurant since we can get all the music we want online with streaming and Youtube or order CDs like KIDZ BOP online
Times Have Changed: Share how music has really changed since you were purchasing albums as a kid. Now, with KIDZ BOP, their albums are available to stream. Let your followers know where they can stream it and how it’s so easy to follow KIDZ BOP anywhere, including their awesome Youtube channel!
Music for Kids: KIDZ BOP
B is obsessed with KIDZ BOP. She originally found them on Youtube. And now she is loving that she can stream them on your favorite network Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Apple Music and play them in the car on the CDs. You can buy CDs at Target, Walmart, Amazon.
As her mom I love that they are kids singing popular songs that I enjoy too. They encourage her to pretend that she is on the big stage.
And since you have get them online, streaming or with CDs she can listen to them everywhere we do. Kids today will never understand what it was like to have to bring a boombox everywhere you wanted music.
Music for Kids: KIDZ BOP Live 2018 Tour 
Do you remember your first concert? I am remember that all my friends went to their first one together and my parents would not let me. I was in middle school.
I love how at 6 B is already asking to go to concerts which is why it is so cool to know that KIDZ BOP Live 2018 Tour is happening now.
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